Thursday, November 15, 2007

Find the logical drives within your system

Here is a way to find out the hard-disk drives within your system:

int iStrsLen;

char smzDrives [(3+1)*26+1];

char szDrive [3+1];

int i;

iStrsLen = GetLogicalDriveStrings (sizeof(smzDrives), smzDrives);

if( iStrsLen )


if (iStrsLen > sizeof(smzDrives))


// Buffer not big enough... eh?




// Parse the returned multi-string array.

i = 0;

while (smzDrives[i])


strcpy (szDrive, &(smzDrives[i]));


while (smzDrives[i]) i++;





Instead of the function GetLogicalDriveStrings(), you can also use the function GetLogicalDrives() for this purpose.

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